5 Secrets to Create a Happy Home 

5 Secrets to Create a Happy Home 

What makes a happy home? How do you create more peace with your children & spouse? I have discovered secrets that if applied, will completely transform your home. 

I know that by doing these 5 secret steps, no matter what your family dynamic is, you can create more joy, more happiness & more love. 

Secret #1: Look for the good 

When you wake up in the morning, spend a few minutes looking at all the good things about each person in your family. You can simply list all the good things about them in your mind or you can take it a step further and spend a few minutes writing out a few things you love about each person in your journal or piece of paper. 

What is good about them? 

What do you love about them?

What are the things that make them special to you?

As you do this each morning, in about 1 week if you look at the good things about your family every day, you will see magic and miracles happening in your home.  Give it a try! 

Secret #2: Ignore the bad 

When we go about our day, we tend to notice the things everyone is doing that annoys us or that we don’t like. What I am saying is that for 1 week ignore ANYTHING bad about that person & instead immediately replace that thought with something that you love about them. 

Example: Your child spills something in the kitchen. Ignore that completely (don’t even mention the mistake) instead say “wow, you are so amazing for being so independent.” 

Example: Your child is not being nice to his brother. Say “Wow amazing guys, I can see you are wanting to solve a problem, do you need help coming up with a solution?” 

The real secret is reversing the flow from focusing on the negative and the bad things to focusing on all the positive and good things. The truth is if we spend 99% of our focus on the good and give 1% attention to the bad things someone is doing, magic will happen.  

This week when anything happens that annoys you or you don’t like, ignore it & immediately redirect to a positive. Immediately re-create the wording to something good and positive & you will see magic happen. 

Secret #3: Create joy 

Our society has a fake reality that things give us joy. We think we will wake up and the things that happen around us will determine how we feel. The truth is that we create our feelings & only we can create our own joy. 

This week decide to put joy into what you are doing. 

Find things you do on a daily basis & just put joy into it. 

They say fake it til you make it, but the truth is you have to put joy in to make it. 

When you wake up smile, give the compliments, put music on, dance, laugh a little more, find ways to make something a little more beautiful. 

The secret is to not look to get joy from things but instead see how YOU can put joy around you. The more joy you put out, magic will happen around you. 

Give it a try! 

Secret #4: Be nice

This is a really simple one, but anything simple is actually overlooked most of the time. It seems too simple, but the magic is really there if you apply it. 

Just be nice to your family. Treat them nicer than you would a stranger. Respect your children’s feelings. Listen to them. 

I find that we actually treat our family the worst because they will love us and forgive us. We talk to your husband and spouse in ways we would never talk to a stranger yet we love them the most. 

This week just be nice to your family. Be kind to them. Listen to them. If you feel the urge to say something mean or act in a way you know isn’t the nicest, just decide to be nice instead. Try this for 1 week & magic will happen. 

Secret #5: Let them be right 

I saved the most powerful secret for last. There is a magic waiting to be discovered in your family & that is letting your child or husband be right. 

We all have the need to be right & even if it’s well intentioned we go around making everyone wrong all day.  

The magic happens when we allow others to have their ideas & let them be right. If your husband suggests something, just let him do it his way. Resist the urge to correct your child when they want to do something their way. 

The urge to be right is so strong that you have to work this muscle every day a little bit & reverse the flow from making others wrong to how can I make them right! 

This week anytime you have the urge to correct, invalidate or make your family wrong, decide to let them be right. 

Reading this you may say well that is easy enough - bring this 1 paragraph to life and apply it this week & you will see miracles happen.